Holiday Unit, Tu BiShvat
On this page you will find:
lesson Guide
fun for Tu BiShvat!This was created with the help of HTM classes!
Tu BiShvat PICTURE CARDSThese photos illustrate HTM Tu Bishvat vocabulary from the most recent edition of the curriculum guide. Check to see which ones match the Option you are teaching then print those one-per-page, ideally in color. If you are teaching virtually, send your children printed copies of these photos, 2 or 4 per page. While teaching you can ask them to "lift up" (and show you) the picture of whatever word you have said.
Additional TU BISHVAT scriptThe 2021-2022 HTM Teacher Community of Practice is delighted to share an extra script with you that introduces the words tree, apple, pomegranate. You will find the photo file (above) helpful to this lesson.
Tu BiShvat VocabularyTu BiShvat WORD cardsThese are generally used later, once an educational program decides to introduce print literacy. Check the full curriculum guide for more information.
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