Hebrew Through Movement is gaining steam! Classes in New Jersey and California have experimented with Hebrew Through Movement this year, joining the teachers in Cleveland who have worked with Hebrew TPR for years. All grew in their understanding of this engaging way to help students learn Hebrew.
A dozen teachers from across the country are currently piloting an online learning seminar. Nine modules guide teachers through about 10 hours of online learning that is supported by a very experienced Hebrew TPR teacher; you see her in a number of the videos on this site. Once the seminar is revised, it will be open to teachers at any time of day or night (yes, there will be a tuition charge). What have our teachers (us, too!) learned along the way?
Next steps for us? Over the summer we're going to be working on: ** Revising the curriculum guide (the experimental edition is available on the first page of this website for free download) ** Moving the online learning seminar from pilot to "real" ** Offering guidance for complementing one's decoding/reading program with principles from TPR ** Offering guidance for complementing one's prayer curriculum with TPR Over the summer, perhaps a camp will take on TPR as a great way to teach Hebrew. We'd love to know your questions, thoughts and feedback. Feel free to add a comment here, or post something in the Teacher Talk section of this website. Nachama Skolnik Moskowitz, JECC
AuthorsThis blog will be updated by those supporting Hebrew Through Movement in a variety of ways. It might even be you! Categories
August 2021